Cam Madden

2016 – 2023

for celebrating the life and love of the sweetest creature we’ve ever known

Thank you

Our girl Cam brought us more joy in her 7.5 years than we could have ever imagined. Some of our fondest memories, most healing moments, and soul feeding experiences took place at the place we’ve always said is where all dogs must go when they die, the dog beach at Fort Funston. Catherine and Cam enjoyed a years-long ritual of running together on the beach during the low tide at each new moon and full moon. Catherine would look to the ocean for solace and support, while Cam looked for new friends, sand crab snacks, and birds to chase. Both fully alive and embodied.

We shared this ritual with Cam’s dear community on November 12th, where we also offered stories and memories, honored others gone too soon, and witnessed a stunning low tide sunset. We are so grateful for the love and support that we have received as we learn to live without Cam’s physical presence.

Cam is not the kind of soul who choose how much love
Not for those seven years on earth, or beyond, playing above

She nuzzled into every open arm, and laid upon each tired body
We used used see that special charm, right here while she was embodied

At the ocean, in parks, around nursing homes or her own
Cam’s sweet and loving presence was so very widely known

She’s the only dog I’ve ever met who had a business card
For she was skilled beyond all others, at making life a little less hard

She left her body way too young, as did her pals Chako and Zephyr
I imagine the three united now, as grieve the spaces they left here

We call on you now, dear Cam in whatever form you’ve taken
Make your loving heart known so clearly it cannot be mistaken

Reveal yourself to Catherine and Reid, and all of us gathered here
So we can remember that the magic you are, that will never disappear

- Vanessa V.

Spread the Love

If you were unable to attend in person, we’d love to share some of Cam’s love and memories with you from afar. Please enjoy some of the photos and videos that we have gathered on the memories page, and if you have any stories or images to share with us, please send them to us via email.